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“Surfacing2Self” a book containing 30 paintings 30 poems is a memoir threaded narrative resulting in a unique and compelling artistic expression of a journey with self and truths. 


Each painting serves as a visual representation of a particular poem, evoking emotions and setting the tone for the accompanying written text. 


The poetry emerged from a deep connection with self, where I have channelled emotions onto canvas from my written prose. The integration of visual art, poetry, and personal reflection in this memoir has the potential to offer you the reader a multi-dimensional experience. 


One can immerse oneself in the paintings, explore the emotions and themes captured in the poetry, and gain perhaps connective insights into your personal journey through the prose and paintings. The combination of painting and poetry allows for a rich interplay between visual and linguistic forms of expression. 


This book, this work has been a long time in its surfacing. A cathartic memoir, which has the potential to touch and resonate, where you will appreciate the intersection of visual art, poetry, and personal storytelling.

Coming soon!

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